My Mother’s Day Tribute – 2015

Mother's Day 1969

Mother’s Day 1969

Wishing all in my blogoshere a Happy Mother’s Day!

This photo was taken on Mother’s Day 1969. I know the year so well because . . . there’s a reason I’m wearing that empire dress. Yes, that’s my firstborn hidden yet in plain view. Oooh and he loved my Momma! My “Baby Boy” did, too. I have memories of her (at age 70) down on the floor playing with him.

Momma was so sweet, gentle, and kind. She loved us so; and her dimunitive frame did not stop her from protecting those she loved. I loved to hear the story of how she and her sisters were ready to jump into the ring to gang up on the baby boy’s opponent during a Golden Gloves boxing match. Smh. Those MABLE girls were a force to be reckoned with.

I had the fortune of spending a lot of one-on-one time with her throughout the day because I attended the elementary school where she was head secretary. My first grade class was right next door to her office. But that was cool; because I loved learning “readin’ and writin’ and ‘rithmetic.” Then, I got to be Secretary’s Assistant at the end of the day.

Even in adulthood, she didn’t hesitate to correct me. I remember during her first visit to Houston, as soon as we returned from a shopping trip I pointed to the set of dishes we had selected and said to my husband, “Look what Momma bought me.” As quick as a flash, she said,; “No. Look what Momma bought us I was just used to being “the Baby.” I think it will always be a part of my persona. But I do my best to abide by these types of motherly influence.

Not a day goes by that I don’t think about her. I couldn’t forget this woman if I tried — for she looks back at me from every mirror. I’ve been deprived of her physical presence for 25 years; but her spirit and memories remain. This year marks the 100th anniversary of her birth.

Here are some of my posts that either focus on her or talk about the many ways she influenced my life. I love you, Momma.

The featured image for this Mother's Day 2015 post is a composite that represents two influences Momma made on my life: creativity and the love of reading.  The background photo of the yarn represents the spirit of creativity that was birthed in both my Mother and me.  Around the house, if she was sitting, she was doing some type of needlework.  The inset photo represents the love of reading my mother shared with me.  In addition to a bookcase filled with reference books and literature, there were always plenty of current issues of various magazines at our house.  Both creativity and reading have proven to be constants throughout my life.

The featured image for this Mother’s Day 2015 post is a composite that represents two influences Momma made on my life: creativity and the love of reading. The background photo of the yarn represents the spirit of creativity that was birthed in both my Mother and me. Around the house, if she was sitting, she was doing some type of needlework. The inset photo represents the love of reading my mother shared with me. In addition to a bookcase filled with reference books and literature, there were always plenty of current issues of various magazines at our house. Both creativity and reading have proven to be constants throughout my life.